About us
Regional tourism organization GEMER was established and operates on the basis of Act no. 91/2010 Coll. on the promotion of tourism. We bring together cities, municipalities and business entities that know the values of the region and want to help its progress.
We participate in the development of tourism infrastructure, branding of regional products, marking of cycle routes, search for sources of financing for projects, we represent at events in the region, but also outside it. We present our region in electronic form on the website www.regiongemer.sk , Facebook and Instagram @RegionGemer , in print form in the form of newsletters and modern brochures printed on ecological paper, which you can also view at this link.
With our activities, our ambition is to put the Gemer region on the map of sought-after holiday destinations, to present the historical regions of Gemer and Malohont under a single brand at home and abroad, to create competitive tourism products and to encourage active cooperation between entities in the region.
Our members are:
- Mesto Hnúšťa
- Mesto Jelšava
- Mesto Revúca
- Mesto Rožňava
- Mesto Tornaľa
- Obec Jesenské
- Obec Muráň
- TIK Rožňava
- Kráľov dom, s. r. o.
- anarchy.sk, s. r. o.
- SMZ, a. s.
- Štátna ochrana prírody Slovenskej republiky
- ROZVOJOVÁ AGENTÚRA Banskobystrického samosprávneho kraja, n. o.
- PREDNA HORA, s. r. o.
- Obec Muránska Huta
- Obec Betliar
- Banícke múzeum v Rožňave
- RA Investment, s.r.o.
- Mesto Tisovec
- Obec Drienčany
- Obec Rákoš
- Obec Rimavská Baňa
- Zbojská s.r.o.
- Obec Veľké Teriakovce
- Obec Sirk
- Obec Nižná Slaná
- Obec Magnezitovce
- Obec Ochtiná
- Obec Včelince
- Gemerské osvetové stredisko
- SNM-Múzeum Betliar
- Správa Národného parku Muránska planina so sídlom v Revúcej
- Litterra, n.o.
- Penzión Na Ráztočnom
- Obec Klenovec